Papa Johns Delivery Driver Claims

To discuss your claim against Papa Johns or any of its franchisees, please contact Mark Potashnick.

Mark Potashnick - pizza delivery class action lawsuit attorney
Mark Potashnick
Vehicle Reimbursement Attorney

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Weinhaus & Potashnick is pursuing claims against Papa Johns and its franchisees for failing to reimburse its delivery drivers’ vehicle costs. Those under-reimbursements cause minimum wage violations. Weinhaus & Potashnick has won similar claims throughout the nation. To date, Weinhaus & Potashnick has recovered more than $100 Million for delivery drivers.

Each claim has typically resulted in a recovery between about $10,000.00 and $25,000.00 per delivery driver, but sometimes more or less, plus orders requiring employers to separately pay attorney’s fees and costs.

To discuss your claim against Papa Johns or any of its franchisees, please call Mark Potashnick at (314) 997-9150 ext. 2 or email him at

Pizza delivery driver class action lawsuits against Papa Johns